Message from Community Support Inc about COVID-19 (coronavirus)
You will all have read and heard a lot of information and media coverage about the global spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Emergency planning is well underway to deal with the spread of the virus in Australia.
Community Support is committed to keeping our clients and our staff as safe as possible. We have put plans in place to protect our clients, employees and families from the spread of the virus. We will also regularly update our website and social media channels to provide you with updates.
We are continuing to follow the advice of Commonwealth Government, State Government and SA Health and have developed Community Support’s COVID-19 Response Plan to ensure that the quality of our service continues during these challenging times. SA Health has a comprehensive Q&A on their website here:
What are we doing to help prevent the spread of the virus with our clients and staff?
• We have directed all staff to maintain social distancing of 1m whenever possible; regularly wash their hands with soap and water AND follow to cough in to their elbow (or in to a tissue; then discard the tissue and then wash their hands).
• We have continued to provide our staff with training and procedures on infection prevention and control.
• We provide and train our staff in the use of PPE – Personal Protective Equipment, when it is necessary.
• Any staff who feel unwell have not been rostered on any client shifts and have been asked to self-isolate and get tested.
• We are providing regular updates to staff about coronavirus.

What does this mean for you as a client?
Our priority is to continue to support you as our client.
Your health and safety remain our highest priority.
This is a situation that is continuing to evolve, and we’ll keep in touch with you. We will be providing regular updates via our newsletter and staff.
If you have any specific questions relating to individual situations, please contact SA Health’s Communicable Disease Control Branch (24 hours, 7 days a week) on 1300 232 272. We ask our clients and their families/carers to support our infection control processes and protect yourselves. We know that people with disability have been identified by health experts as a vulnerable group for this virus.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us 08 8429 1200. You can email us at [email protected] or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.